The golden shower tree on Earth is blooming.

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Golden Shower Tree: You will see the plant with the golden yellow flowers as you walk around your city. I have to say that those people are the “golden stars on Earth.” It is also called Amaltas, Indian Laburnum, and Golden Shower Tree. The scientific name for this plant is Cassia fistula, and it blooms in the summer.

Golden Shower Tree

golden shower tree growth rate
This means that the person is from India. It is one of the most beautiful tropical trees when it loses its leaves and blooms with long bunches of yellow flowers that look like grapes.

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golden shower tree height
It has showy racemes that are up to 2 inches long and bright yellow flowers that smell good. Bees and butterflies like these flowers because they look nice. The pod-shaped fruits are dark brown.

golden shower tree root system
A tropical tree that can grow up to 40 feet tall and has a trunk made of hard, reddish wood. Wood is tough and heavy, and it is used to make cabinets, inlays, and other things. It also has brown, flat seeds (up to 100 in one pod).

golden shower tree scientific name
The Indian Postal Department made a postage stamp to remember this tree. Linnaeus was the first person to write about it in 1737.

golden shower tree uses
It is thought that the name C. fistula comes from the ancient Greek name Kassia or cassia. In a strange twist, this pretty tree was called an “agricultural weed.”


What is the benefits of golden shower tree?

Most of the time, golden shower has been used as a medicine. Especially the ripe pods and seeds are used to help people go to the bathroom. The root, bark, leaves, and fruit pulp are also laxative, but not as much as the fruit pulp.

Why is it called a golden shower tree?

The scientific name of the Golden Shower Tree comes from the words Cassia, which means fragrant bark (like cinnamon), and fistula, which means tubular or pipe-like shape, which is how the pods look.

How long does golden shower take to grow?

Growth rate: The tree grows slowly and may not flower for ten years.

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