5 Air Purifying Indoor Plants You Should Have in Your Office & Living Room

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5 Air Purifying Indoor Plants: Poor air quality is a common issue in your business and home. Indoor air pollutants and poisons, like any other pollutant, endanger your health. These indoor air contaminants collect and linger in your environment, causing you to breathe them in far more than you realize. Dizziness, headaches, nausea, nose irritation, and eye discomfort are all symptoms of polluted air.

It is critical to incorporate air-purifying indoor plants into your everyday life to eliminate harmful pollutants from the air you breathe in, so contributing to better health.

How do air-purifying plants perform?

When indoor plants absorb carbon dioxide, which is then converted into oxygen, they absorb some of these toxins and particles from the air. Some of the air-cleaning activity is also done by microorganisms found in the potting soil of these plants.

5 Air Purifying Indoor Plants

Here are 5 air-purifying indoor plants that you should keep in your office or living area.

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a simple plant that aids in the removal of benzene and formaldehyde, which are probable byproducts of chemically treated cleaning products and paints. Aside from its air-purifying capabilities, the gel inside this plant has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, making it ideal for healing cuts and burns, as well as general skin care.

  • Sunlight is required
  • Area: Any window or area that receives direct sunlight

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2. Spider Plant

Spider Plant
The spider plant is a low-maintenance house plant. This plant is also known to combat formaldehyde, benzene, xylene (a solvent used in the rubber, leather, and printing industries), and carbon monoxide in the environment. This plant can be regrown by clipping one of its shoots and replanting it in another pot.

  • Grows in all situations, but prefers strong indirect sunshine and a cool to average home temperature. Water at least twice a week.
  • Area: Any bright part in the house.

3. Snake Plant

Snake Plant
The Snake plant is one of the most effective plants for removing formaldehyde (commonly found in cleaning products, personal care products, tissues, and toilet paper). Place a snake plant in your bathroom since the low light and humidity conditions are ideal for this plant, which filters out all contaminants from the air in its surroundings. You can also keep this plant in your bedroom because it absorbs carbon dioxide and emits oxygen during the night, providing you with fresh oxygen to breathe while you sleep.

  • Grows in all situations, but prefers a low-light, humid environment.
  • Area: Bathroom and bedroom.

4. Golden Pothos

Golden Pothos
Golden Pothos is excellent for removing typical pollutants and contaminants from the air in your home. Because car exhaust contains formaldehyde, you may cultivate this fast-growing plant in your garage. This plant requires very little care and stays green even when kept in the dark. Beginners or those with no gardening experience should start with the Golden Pothos.

Grows in all situations, although the strong indirect sun and little watering are ideal. Overwatering this plant may cause the roots to rot.

Area: Anywhere in the house or garage, but out of reach of small children and dogs.

5. Rubber plant

Rubber Plant
The rubber plant is ideal for your dark workplace space. This is an excellent plant for removing carbon monoxide and one of the finest for removing formaldehyde from the air. The majority of workplace furniture is composed of particleboard and held together with formaldehyde-containing glue. This plant can also grow with very little light, albeit the rate of growth may be slowed.

  • It requires bright, filtered light, moderate watering, and little attention.
  • Best suited for offices. Keep out of reach of animals.

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